Sunday, September 29, 2013

News7 NewsLINC Critique

Being a member of the NewsLINC Web Producing staff, there are many things I like about the site, which aided in my decision to web produce after trying out the praciticum last semester.

As was the case in my WOOD TV8 critique, I like the tabs across the top of the page to navigate to stories throughout the NEK, Vermont, New Hampshire, sports news, the latest weather, and special events such as town meeting.

I also like the headline bar towards the top of the page, cycling between the three most recent stories (though sometimes it changes before I can finish reading the tease.) This way, the fresh news stays at the top. However, if there's anything breaking, it will be sure to stick around the top.

The four most recent stories after that hang around below the headline section. I'm also a fan of the thumbnail pictures next to each story. It's a fresh reminder that we are a legitmate source of news, because that's something you would see on bigger news stations' websites. A possible improvement would be access to videos from the homepage, rather than having to click on a story and going to a new page to do so.

Something else that I like about the NewsLINC website lives at the bottom of the page. There's a module on the bottom-left of the page, with three stories that will be featured that night on News7. It's a nice reminder as you're leaving the website to tune into our nightly newscast.

I would give it a 6 out of 5 stars. ;)

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